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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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Is the soyjak era over?

* People have stopped reacting as hard to soyjak posts, you'll just get banned for them
* Conversely, people have started getting angrier at frogs but they won't be banned by jannies.


idk back then it felt like jaks were more high quality and not overplayed schizojakking


well that's not what happens anymore


you should probably blame sharty and soot for making a website aimed specifically at spamjakking rather than a kwah successor


that would have been fine if it didnt turn into posting the same self inserts or racebait over and over


nah it basically made jakking what mods wanted it to be which is spam


I blame soor for not cutting out tranny cancer when it started


do you think froot could fix it


Froot and the rest of them seem more based than the past admins but they've infected the community for years now and ban evading is trivial so I doubt it





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