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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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Beginning in late 2019 during the announcement of the election, a number of astroturfers tried to convince everyone on /pol/ to vote for certain candidates; those being Joseph H. Biden and Bernie Sanders (before resigning like a cuckold) because "they're not Trump". Several people vehemently rejected this idea and moved on with their lives, rooting for Trump instead. A year later just when the election was starting up, a high amount of astroturfing on /pol/ would emerge in numbers, with most being Mossad puppets and communist trannies, they'd often use the board to shill their agenda and subvert the native population of the board into rooting for Biden through many techniques of their indoctrination tactics - which worked quite well as now a few /pol/ regulars have turned against Trump and are willing to overthrow him and his government. A fight would break out between Bidentrannies and MAGApedes, with the latter doing their part to wipe off the JIDF's slide threads advocating for Biden's presidency, and working together to help the cause. The conflict between Bidentroons and MAGApedes would go on for several months until the election came into fruition and many have started rooting for Trump to keep America great. However, just as American patriots were getting ready to vote for Trump, the astroturfers botted the vote and elected Biden as president, rigging the election afterwards. They would later leak onto /qa/ with their subverting soyjak spam, Biden appreciation threads, anti-frog spam, anti-white propaganda, anti-Trump soyjaks, pro-kike propaganda, poljaks, neutral tranime girl spam as a desperate attempt to replace the iconic pepe the frog meme, and countless others. This would spark the biggest conflict one has seen since the weeb mafia troons and /jp/niggers colonized the board and tried to turn all of 4chan against frogs, it would be between the leftypol JIDF cabal and some American patriots who were residing on this board; Mossad puppets would this board as their base to conduct their pozzed operations against the superior race, which would later backfire with all the troonjaks and Bidenjaks posted in those threads, causing the yids and shills to become frustrated with the outcome and try to spam pro-nigger crap in retaliation. It only gets more ((( deeper ))) than you'd think. Around summer 2021, the /pol/ tranny jannies would move ALL the insightful /pnn/ discussion threads to /qa/ for being too based, resulting in an abundance of spam and thread derails by Mossad puppets, Biden supporters, Israelites, the JIDF, and leftypol. This was considered a dark time for the right-wing as they had to suffer all the enduring tactics from ((( them ))). A few months later, the board would be locked and Biden supporters have leaked out onto the rest of the site, some of them even conducting an operation to sue everyone posting pepe for copyright. Consequences have never been the same since then, Biden supporters would go out of their way to bring up their ridiculous ideas in unrelated threads resulting in spam. They were also the main source of all soyjak spam and BBC cuckold spam that you see on every board now. Just a few moments after /qa/'s lockdown, based mods were silently getting rid of all the Bidenbro influence across the site which sparked in massive controversy from ((( them ))), causing them to cease their operations to clean up all the obnoxious kikespam.
Lo and behold, the Trump administration just got in touch with all government agencies and RapeApe to establish /qa2/, a /qa/ without kikespam and low quality shillposting. It was announced in the IRC where every trusted poster was given access, infiltrators and kikes have tried to get through with no luck, only to get booted out instead thanks to Trumpflare - ((( they ))) haven't made any progress as we all know despite ((( their ))) best. As of now, Yotsuba2 is under development and it will bring 4chan on a whole new level; it will come bundled with Trumpflare to ensure that no kikespam is being conducted and finally to boot all the shills, leftypoltroons, kikes, etc. off the site and bring triumph to America as a whole. It's making Bidentroons FURIOUS as they can't spam the site with their tranny agenda anymore.

Your move, Sleepy Joe.


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its for you


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Good job ponderer, that fucking kike won't get his way

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