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/pepe/ - Frogs

All things frog!
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soyjak.island be like
>Doll becomes admin
>/soy/ (most popular board) gets suddenly spammed daily with CSAM
>CSAM stays up for around an hour or more
>jannies take so long to delete it even though they're in the hundreds.
>jannies delete all reactions and concerns in order to memoryhole the CSAM.
>I get permanently banned for even talking about the spam

should we forward this to the glowies? why is soyjak party actively banning reactions to the CSAM? that's suspicious.


we should probably do something


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yurr hurr


Groomercord proves this. I used to know some of the administration of the sissycaca site and I saw first hand how it is LITERALLY a cp ring


try it out




saved this from being slid

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