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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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>dead site
>complains about the sharty even doe xhey still use it
>complains about dox threads
(even doe we dox pedos and trannies)
>can only the same make two jokes.
(even doe ttd)
Face the facts. Pondniggers lost.
Lynched my ward btw. I WILL not be pouring you anymore champagne.


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As per usual frogKIKES wont respond because they have nothing to say. Maybe youll see a tearful deflection in a couple of days once one of them bothers to open this CORPSE of a website


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>As per usual frogKIKES wont respond because they have nothing to say. Maybe you'll see a tearful deflection in a couple of days once one of them bothers to open this CORPSE of a website


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>dead site
a website where theres no horde of unfunny 13 yos being babysitted by niggerjannies… is less active! how so?
>complains about the sharty even tho they still use it
to bait niggers like you GEEEEEEEEEEG
>complains about dox threads
because you nusoicuckolderinos are pathetic little fucks that get pissed off over microscopic things and make it seem like an ultragigavrilubermesch crusade even tho noone with ability to PONDER cares
>even doe we doxx pedos and trannies)
troon vs troon how amazing
>can only the same make two jokes
and you cant a single one because youre busy dilating in blog threads and obsessing over random people to post anything funny KEK
truthnuclear carpeting, cry about it
soiclitties too retarded to handle froggod posts and too tranny to stop sperging out and dilating every second, just facts my nonfrogsister
>As per usual frogKIKES wont respond because they have nothing to say.
they are busy having a life,unlike some terminaly online kiwi rapefugees


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>nuonionsjewshill too retarded to read small paragraph


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Coping. Check your catty. Last frogfuck post before I arrived was 10 hours ago. And I have a penis, you have a reddit clitty. dilate.


Read it anyway to BTFO


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>all counterarguments nusoiclitty can do is cph (coal per hour) and dick size (insecurity)
come back when you learn to PONDER like us (and grow up kek)


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Projecting and your counter argument is to call me a tranny. (No proof, need TTD btw)
We're the same


>uuhh grow up even doe we sit everyday on our dead rotting website complaining about the heckin' party


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Your catty.
>Low to no engagement, large gaps of time between replies (though you can't tell here I did check)
Our catty.
>Much higher engagement even during dead hours. Replies minutes to even seconds apart.
Frogtroons lost


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>your counter arguments
1. cph isnt a real argument, get a life
2. nusoyturds are terminaly assraged teenagers that get pissed off out of thin air
3. doxxing is for trannies (See kiwifarms)
4. your website is unfunny because youre dedicating it to dramma more than actual jakking
5. only retards worship admins
6. self inserting as chud is for niggers
meanwhile your only uncountered argument is cocks geg (friendly reminder that all fags goto hell)
>we're the same
im self inserting as frog, youre self inserting as kike gayop shooter
why you always assume that splinterfolks browse your niggercoalmine? we left your nununusoytroony site for the exact reason of not wanting to participate in retardfugeeesque garbage threads
bring up coal per hour argument again and maybe your site will become better sister


>why you always assume that splinterfolks browse your niggercoalmine?
frogniggers derail threads with retarded shit, xhey also spam 'p


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>we left your nununusoytroony site for the exact reason of not wanting to participate in retardfugeeesque garbage threads
Yet most posts are just talking about the 'arty.
>cph isnt a real argument, get a life
Never said that is wasn't. It's about engagement, it's a sign of a site being alive. Unlike here.
>only retards worship admins
Trve. I don't
>your website is unfunny because youre dedicating it to dramma more than actual jakking
Haven't had a single laugh here either. Maybe pepe isn't funny.


>IP grabber


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>Never said that is wasn't. It's about engagement, it's a sign of a site being alive. Unlike here.
coal per hour is a sign of your site being filled with nusoymorons though
>i dont worship retards
are you that smart nigger that they always bring up by any chance?
>Haven't had a single laugh here either. Maybe pepe isn't funny.
>doesnt even defend the lack of shitposting in his site because im right


IP grabber


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>>Never said that is wasn't. It's about engagement, it's a sign of a site being alive. Unlike here.
>coal per hour is a sign of your site being filled with nusoymorons though
>>i dont worship retards
are you that smart nigger that they always bring up by any chance?
>>Haven't had a single laugh here either. Maybe pepe isn't funny.
>>doesnt even defend the lack of shitposting in his site because im right


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>are you that smart nigger that they always bring up by any chance?
More like intelligent pinko


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^^^nusoicaca failquote


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>>^^^nusoicaca failquote
Purpose quote actually


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>nusoiturd doesnt know that he can just [FROGACTED] and [FROGACTED] to quote everything selected, so he copes by saying that its "intentional"
nusoicacuababooeens crack me up


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>>nusoiturd doesnt know that he can just [FROGACTED] and [FROGACTED] to quote everything selected, so he copes by saying that its "intentional"
>nusoicacuababooeens crack me up


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pffff hahaha do they really?


We'll figure it out and we'll be back.


thread turned into cope general once the frogniggers got a whiff of it


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So trve


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>they still don't know how yo get into /qa2/


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>words words words
the left cant meme


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can you stop being a fag though?


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why yoy stole my filename


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>muh pph
Most of us are on /qa2/ , which has a slightly higher pph than the sharty last I checked. The pond is more like a lounge for more intellectual posts that might get lost in the constant stream of happenings, amas with right wing celebrities like joe rogan and epic OC.


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