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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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ponders, who are our brothers-in-arms against the soycvck horde? I think their names should be honored in the ponds of history for their loyalty and bravery.




Donald Trump
Adolf Hitler
Elon Musk
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Sargon of Akkad
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones


Elon Musk is China's slut


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We should slide the database with all the leaked IPs of soicacas from over a year ago and send it to raging twitter troons for a counter-doxing operation (they would probably do it because they are still angry about their incest gamerino)


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I hope nusoycvcks just give up already! Their doxxes aren't anything special and their raid on goonclown was the only good raid.



croat cringe


Batman BTFOs tranime doe


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but i had nap time nearly 10 hours ago


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It goes without saying



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