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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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I'm starting to get genuinely tired of soyjak.party, I fucking hate the dox threads, I hate the immigrants, and I fucking HATE the BBC posters. They aren't even mocking people anymore, it's just degenerated into a cesspool of shit where twitter immigrants come in and think that /soy/ will raid literally who nobodies [1], and where people post their gay race mixing fantasies. I'm not going to be surprised if the site dies before doll's admin role returns. Anyways, fuck soyjak.party, and fuck the people shitting up the site
First citation is pic rel. [1]
Other pic is just how I feels :(.


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Consider including a frog in your thread.


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One look at the schizophrenic 13 year olds who've never used an imageboard before on /raid/ should tell you all you need to know about the sites future


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Geg it's a toddler daycare


Promoting the site from very beginning after Soot posted that thread on /qa/ was a fatal mistake.


no arrowari da


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rare soicuca w


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This recent doxxing drama has awakened me… Literally everyone is celebrating the fact that they scared an innocent game dev(not even a tranny) and they call anyone who doesn't agree with them a "twitter immigrant" as if it isn't obvious they are the doxxing-obsessed twitter immigrants. Were nusoicacas always this retarted? What's happening to this site? Is the sharty dying?


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>"twitter immigrant"
Turns out the /soy/ is /a/ but for soyjaks meme was right all along, the userbase lusts over soyjaks and acts like they're something sacred just like how /a/ idolizes FoTM moeshit regardless of quality and circlejerking over it because it's apparently some oldfag tradition or something. Soiteens even seethe whenever something not pertaining to their precious MS paint cartoons is posted just like how /a/ seethes whenever they see anything aside from anime being posted. Now they call each other twitter or reddit immigrants just like the larping oldfags on /a/. It's a never-ending cycle that will repeat itself until the end of time.
Just take a look at how they react to certain things on their site and you'll see what I mean. I have not used this site for like 2 weeks now but this is pretty much the impression I'd get from a bunch of autistic teenagers obsessed with nu-rage comics speaking from experience.


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Yeah, you are right. It's pathetic how sharty pretends to hate 4chan and they are different when they suffer the same issues 4channers do. I like soyjaks, but I can't keep using this site anymore. I will be posting frogs with you frens from now on.


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The sharty is old /b/, complete with clearnet cp sharing and sending gore to random normals who are just existing online. The only difference is old /b/ never went on moralfag crusades against porn, anime or trannies because that was chan culture at the time - /b/s moral crusades were against scientology, egirls and trolls like Kumbi.
All you have to do is look at what happened to old /b/ to see what will happen to the sharty. V& users, federal interest, news stories and immense pressure to get it shutdown - but this time dealt with by a dumb discord admin instead of someone competent like moot.


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So are you saying that /soy/ will have to stop this doxxing and raiding madness because of future pressure, just like old /b/?


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Yes but that's never going to happen with froot in charge, so it'll likely go the way of 8chan post-hotwheels.


Promoting sharty was a mistake from the beginning and all it got was users coming from shitholes.


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this thread glows


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The ponders that didn't leave with hotwheels moved to /qa2/ after Q stopped posting regularly

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