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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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File: 1700210837161.png (176.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1700090148115.png)


I was a former soiposter and I like the frogs
It only makes the newfag soiposters from the spinoff seethe because they still think their meme is relevant lol


shit no one cares about award


File: 1700227733534.png (479.09 KB, 976x850, 1688351074433181.png)

Yet you cared enough to give this post a reply, curious!
Almost as if you nusoifags are incapable of not replying to bait or anything and yet still have the nerve to larp as le ebin internet troll, I was a 'jakker just like you too but at this point I'm just going to delete my soyjak folder because you nuteens are getting quite embarrassing


File: 1700228215953.png (60.19 KB, 446x435, 1686900690736.png)

Oh and btw, I made that fat jannyjak spazzing out edit which ended up getting used for the one of the ban screens for your spinoff and countless other 'jak OC and I hate every single one of you fags with the power of a thousand suns. You lost


i aint reading allat nigga


reading allat

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