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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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>/qa/ locked
>oldfags stop 'jakking after /qa/ is locked
>most nujakkers flee to sharty
>sharty gets inhabited by the worst kinds of undesirables and falls into coaldom
>swede (soyak.png creator) denounces the sharty after realizing it was a glorified discord circlejerk
>'jak edits require more effort
>they rarely get posted anywhere on 4chan
>someone makes a new 'jak
>it never takes off
>sharty is dead
>posting soyjaks on any 4chan board will get you banned after 30 seconds, while frogs remain
>nusoitoddlers committing suicide en masse now that they won't get to write their homosexual fanfics about reddit rage faces anymore
>only people who'd bother using the sharty to this day are closeted homosexuals, blogniggers, discord trannies, and self-hating trannies in denial
in the next few years or so, you won't get to see a single soyjak thread anywhere on 4chan as the meme officially dies
this is what happens when you center your entire online personality around reddit rage comics and not contributing anything of value aside from attending school


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Ahh, another frog victory, the trve eternal meme.
Brings anger out anger both from soyclitties and 4cucks alike.


BASED! Total soyjak death, total frog win


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4CHADS can stay
soytrannies can go fuck themselves though


i kneel..




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oh and i almost forgot
>soicucks flock to tranny boards like /bant/ during their site's downtime
>rangebanned immediately


soi sluttas keep stacking L's
FrogGOD's keep winning at life
it's just that simple


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It's not even rage comics, they STOLE that culture because nusoiniggas are creatively bankrupt


they even copied some parts of encyclopedia dramatica including the offended page on their shitty wiki too, soycucks will really spend 5 hours a day crying about "oldtroons" while stealing everything from them
it's utterly poetic


this site sucks, frog niggers lost


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Our site is still UP soislutta

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