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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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File: 1699647254064.png (876.01 KB, 1557x905, 4E828C71-9A16-4567-BD0F-DD….png)


Average ‘Farty experience
>wake up
>no posts
>wait a few minutes
>no posts
>wait a few hours
>no posts
>wait a couple more hours
>a single post, either a gemmy soyjak or a bot
>frogfags cry themselves to sleep knowing their imageboard is brimstone
>if you want to TRULY make the sharty mad, aim around early 2024, make a file named “poopson.jpg”, go on the Soyjak wiki, search up “poopson” look at the leaked image, try to resemble it as much as possible, make the thread name “fuck this shit website” and watch the sharty go WILD.


File: 1699648648733.png (7.43 KB, 800x696, 1698337764260-0.png)

I didn't read this, could you please summarise it with a single frog photo?


Got a crying frog anywhere?


File: 1699705592247.jpg (71.98 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg)

what is this soicaca talking about

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