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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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>On top of 'cord and pedophiles regularly posting their shit here, we have to deal with this pisbaby spamming his script which lags out the entire mod interface because vichan as a whole sucks ass.
>And every single post uses a different IP (which I can see being manager), so it's impossible to mass delete with a single button. There is literally no way unless you're the dev to counter this 5 posts a second spam other than deleting them by hand one by one.
>It isn't a matter of jannies being asleep, rather jannies being locked out of our house. I used to laugh at soot's seetheralds, but now I understand. There's some transparency for you.


trumpflare solves this


this ahs literally never happened on the frog pond before


because this site uses trumpflare


the shitty is in shambles



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