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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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For some reason I thought it might actually be its own website where they make OC or talk about soyjaks or something, but no. It's literally just an orbiter website for troons to talk about thier last failed raid, blogpost, or just seethe about da coooord and da 4cuck for being unoriginal all while posting the exact same neutral markiplier soyjak image. A discord server in all but name. Honestly, for all the shit soisissies talk, I kind of expected something with a modicum of originallity, but I guess that's expecting a lot from people who's only insult is some variation of a bald man with glasses image. Hopefully after last night's failed raid, the jannies realize almost all soy posters are offsite faggots and will eradicate them from all the boards


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