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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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dead site


File: 1705841088790.png (120.75 KB, 785x757, frogp.png)

The reason why The Frog Pond is "dead" is because we frogchads are busy hard-working people with full-time jobs, college and university. Unlike you, soiTACO, we provide and contribute to the world unlike you, a underaged, lazy wojakSHITTER devoid of responsibilities and a work ethic. You will never have that feeling of satisfaction out of a job well done, but remember: you will always be a prepubescent retard thats failing school and sits on his ass posting soijaks all day.



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we are on /qa2/


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Soitroons BTFO beyond recovery. Enjoying some of their delicious tears as they realize they're a genetic failure to mankind who've contributed absolutely nothing worthwhile since after /qa/ was deleted.


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I wish this place was like soicaca.poopy so I'd be staring at Nikocado Avocado's asshole right now instead of gemmy 'pes


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soicaca, thanks for outing yourself as being filtered by trumpflare.
it's clear that you're not seeing the true patriot posts that only trump voters have access to.

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