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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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File: 1695966126179.mp4 (6.84 MB, 968x968, 1695911454172.mp4)


Pepe is getting less and less popular will probably die out in 5 years soyjaks will live long due to controversies


yes, you'll become the pepes and we'll become the soyjaks (in terms of normie stuff)


Soicaca coping because soyjaks are a dead meme, not even amarnaniggers post them anymore, it's just a meme for twitter troons and edgy preteens. Also they can't even raid.

Meanwhile thefrogpond and 'pes are thriving


File: 1695967041807.png (745.33 KB, 1440x1382, pepe trvthnvke.png)


Pepe is a emote on twitch albeit plus we are centralized and we won't die that fast






Party won


Downvoting this crap




Soyjaks will inevitably go the way of rage faces and either disappear once corporations find a way to use them in advertisements or they get absorbed by normies.

Frogs don't die, they just croak.

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