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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

I'm starting a business. Any inquiries?
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Donald trump will soon announce his run for presidency running as independent MAGA PARTY he will send out patriot shocktroopers on voting day to guard ballot boxes and voting booths and burning all mail in ballots as null and void. Without demoncratic cheating he will easily defeat Biden with over 70% of the true votes. Then upon his coronation and swearing in at his inauguration he will announce the birth of a new American empire that will conquer the entire American continent. He will declare himself president for life and q will drop the signal and the democrap political traitors will all be arrested and graciously imprisoned or executed for high treason. All of America will bow at high emperor trumps reign. All will tremble and bow. even the most deranged libs and trannies will be wet with glee like horny teenage girls. Then once he has conquered all of south and North America the true face of American justice can be enacted. An America for maga party member patriots. Those who are not credentialed party members will be disallowed from commerce or participation in society and will face strict curfew and travel restrictions. Any questions???




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