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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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A brand new 4chan engine is being worked on, it'll be more effective and powerful than the previous Yotsuba engine (which will be defunct after 20 years). It will also use Trumpflare's security performance to stabilize the utilities and TrumpAI to automatically detect paid shills, low quality spam (this includes soijaks), ZOG agents, kikes, and other bad actors and immediately boot them off the site.
The experiment will be conducted on /qa2/ where it's being developed, and it will affect other boards soon after the launch. We know that kikes, discord raiders, shareblue shills, and the JIDF are absolutely fuming now that they can't spam the site with their tranny agenda anymore.

Thoughts? I bet you're feeling peeved right now just from hearing about this information. Get fucking bent kek.



imageboard engines r very easy to make kek 4chan just uses futallaby and futaba for their engine u guys are gonna use futallaby as well 🤣 skids


Jewish hands made this post.

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