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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

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Two different neighbours of mine just had heart attacks within two weeks of one another. They were not obese or at high risk of such attacks, this is the first time in my entire life seeing anything like this happen. How do I know? Ambulances were there both times and I was able to speak to EMTs about what happened. The only thing that stood out between them was both of them were fully vaxxed.
Every day I am grateful I had a strong enough will to refuse the jab, and this event only confirms what I already knew. The pharmaceutical industry is willing to do anything for profit regardless of the consequences. Medicine is not free on your system. There are ALWAYS side effects, which if not properly studied can end up killing people. It's funny because this used to be a leftist talking point, but now they are "trusting the science" done by big pharma that doesn't actually exist and gladly offering themselves up as guinea pigs. Really makes you think…

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