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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

I'm starting a business. Any inquiries?
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File: 1710103557615.png (640.45 KB, 680x1069, laughing-pepe.png)


4chan history be like
>retard makes anime forum
>western democracy collapses

sharty history be like
>Wvvt von Tradtrvke XVII uses Cytwitcord screenshots to expose Schploot the Discoplebbiturkeychippletomitter immigrant for having sex with 16-year-old janitor Xx1488AryanPrincess_卍_PajeetAnnihilator1488xX, causing administrator Phgnhuoot to spam 180,503 Pakistani elephant torture porn gifs on /incel/ - Involuntary Celibacy and hashban every image of transgender school shooter Troonella Dickerman, leading to potential site buyer Dennis Cuckonsoomiverse Soyslurp MacGoodgoy to instead buy the domain "negrochan.fun" from Rabbi Yakov Goldmann Pennypinchenberg Rabinowitz Shekelbaum Yochelstein, a safe haven for Troonella Dickman BLACKED edits which gains 4,983,821 PPH in two hours


File: 1710106671602.png (276.29 KB, 716x641, confused pepe.png)

none of these words are in the bible

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