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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

I'm starting a business. Any inquiries?
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Donald Trump is clearly the best option for this election. He is obviously redpilled, ruthless, and ready to crush liberal faggotry with his two-ton testicles. Unfortunately his public image is pretty bad for all the plebs who don't even bother to listen to his presidential campaign. What are his chances of winning?



>Don't believe the media, the unemployment rate is really 20%

>I have so much money I cannot be bought off

>China is going to crush us unless we bring manufacturing back to the USA

>Actually proposes plan to bring manufacturing back to the USA

>Proposes plan to improve USA nuclear program

>Calls out other presidential runners for being poor pussy faggots who just make fluffy vague statements, when Americans just want jobs

>Build wall between Mexico

I stand with Trump.

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