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/pepe/ - Frogs

All things frog!
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so much trumphope

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now that doxxing is banned on /soy/ and /raid/ is eventually going to be wiped and deleted, what do we make of this?


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>Outside of individuals that have directly threatened or interfered with the party
ponders have no reading comprehension


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im coming here from the sharty. froot killed the party. even doll was better than this. hopefully this site will get more popular now that froot has decided to ack the 'arty.


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We don't welcome your kind here, little neanderkike soinigger.
Start fucking running kike.
We are coming…


>Unique posters: 1,142


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Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.


fair argument, but please. i cant take a shit show of different admins changing the site every 5 minutes, post discarded errors, and the worst bait imaginable. teach me the ways of the frog. please, i beg you.


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froot's cacacel genes are working overtime KEK

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