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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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File: 1702223489185.jpeg (37.59 KB, 1125x1171, 4AB93A4C-5005-4D33-9748-4….jpeg)


sharty banned me for bullshit how are you frogs doing?


I got a ban that dates from April 30th of 2023. I didn't browse sharty that day.




Appeal it, also what did you get banned for?


I posted cunny getting blacked


Well that certainly is against the rules


Nigga, why do you have BBC saved in your device?


My heckin question is why does he have cunny saved


Because niggas saw what trannies posted on 4cuck (BBC) and decided to do that as well




I posted a wojak on /q/ but because it was a twinkjak they muted me lol


It’s retarded sharty allows gore but if you post a picture of a drawing you get muted


File: 1702245814323.jpg (1.93 KB, 93x144, babybrain.jpg)

Both should be banned, I hate gore and I hate pedofags who post cunny




Why should drawings be banned???? It not like all of them are sexual


You can post drawings of little girls on /a/ all you want as long as it is SFW


I didn’t know that



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