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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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demoralicoal is like 12 ips and most of them are "da cord" (group of 4 or 5 retard offsiters) and some TFP/j*rty users who joined in (not part of da cord) to bait soyteens/demoralize.

Ignore demoralizationDEITY if they mention PPH. PPH is just as high, but not throughout the entire day, the site will feel slow because of NeVVsoysVttas starting school. The site has a PPH dip until the midwest childGODS get out of school, then steadily rises until it crashes at like 1AM NY time. PPH is objectively the same, but it has dips, all the neetGODS and other terminally online gods see this as "oh mein soy site is dying" (cry about normalquote) because they are at home doing nothing, when most of their timezone is at school/work. Once holidays start, PPH will stay at its peak throughout the entire daylight period.

I look like this and point a gun at the floating camera


Nusoicacas made an essay on why the site isnt dying geeeeeg





aint no way froot said this blud


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>it's not a shitpost


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this is what soicacas call "PPH"


jarty is faster


yeah comparing just posts that aren't shit it's basically the same speed


>Going back to the old domain when the current one barely even works and his shitty wiki is hooked up to it
I can't wait for everything to crash and burn around froot. With the number of actual threats on the site that he encourages and the old leaks where mods admitted it was illegal it's only a matter of time.


yeah its fucking ridiculous

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